Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation, one which you’ll often find yourselves in, such as when you’re absorbed in a film or a book, for example. Most people find this to be an enjoyable state and one of deep relaxation. It can be used purely as a method of relaxation, as it is effective in countering the body’s stress response, but this equally enables a more creative state from which it can feel more possible to find solutions to problems. It can, therefore, assist with anxiety, long term stress, habits and phobias. For specific issues, such as exam stress, it also allows you to rehearse scenarios in a safe space allowing you to feel more comfortable when facing the situation.
Will I remain in control?
This is a common concern regarding hypnosis due to people’s perception of it, having seen stage hypnosis on TV. Ethical bodies, however, view hypnosis for entertainment as unethical as its purpose is obviously not in the interests of the client. In hypnotherapy, trance is used as a mode of creating a relaxing and imaginative state but you will, as is the case with being engrossed in a book or a film, still be completely aware of what’s going on around you and you will remember what was said while in trance.
What is the purpose of hypnotherapy?
Being in such a relaxed state can enable you to access a more imaginative or creative place in your mind in which you can consider what we discuss at a deeper level. It may also allow you to reach thoughts which are less consciously available to you. Sometimes, people come to hypnotherapy, having tried other forms of therapy which were less successful for them. Equally, some return to hypnotherapy because it has worked for them in the past. Client centred hypnotherapy is far more than hypnotic techniques alone; my psychotherapeutic training means that I will always seek to understand you as an individual and every therapy will be tailored to the person, not the issue.
Will the whole 50 minute session consist of hypnosis?
No. We will always begin with what you wish to bring to each session and we will always end with a summary of what’s been discussed. It is up to you, as the client, how much of our sessions involve hypnosis and this may vary between sessions. I will always be guided by you.
Is it safe?
Yes. If working online, we will always discuss aspects of working with hypnosis online to ensure your safety. You will need a quiet, relaxing and confidential space but you do not need to lie down, unless you choose to. It is a very safe process and we will be working in lighter stages of hypnosis to enable therapy to take place effectively.